Climate and Nature Leadership Programme

Please note this Programme is only for MPs, Peers and their staff. Please do not RSVP if you are not a Parliamentarian.


Climate and Nature Leadership Programme:

Delivery of ambitious climate and nature policies over the next parliament will be essential to ensure the UK is on track to meet its targets and to avert the worst impacts of the environmental crises. A collaboration between the Climate APPG and the Environment APPG, this programme will provide the opportunity for parliamentarians to:

  • Join roundtables and workshops with experts on climate and nature issues, from leading climate scientists and campaigners, to business leaders and farmer representatives.
  • Learn how to leverage your role as an MP to support the government’s delivery of ambitious climate and nature policies - whether telling a powerful climate story with your constituents, making the most of parliamentary procedures, or meeting with ministers. 
  • Help build a culture of cross-party working on climate and nature issues and join a critical group of parliamentarians championing environmental action and the benefits it can bring to the UK.


Climate science 101: click here to RSVP

Against a backdrop of worsening climate impacts in the UK and across the globe, the lifetime of this parliament will be critical to ensure the UK is on track to meet its climate targets. This roundtable is an opportunity for MPs to meet with leading climate scientists, hear about the latest evidence on the causes and impacts of climate change, and discuss the UK’s progress in and responsibility for reducing global emissions. 

Confirmed speakers:

  • Jim Skea, Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  • Dr Friederike Otto, Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, Grantham Imperial


Time: Tuesday 8 October, 3.30pm - 4.45pm

Location: Room P, PCH


Nature crisis 101: click here to RSVP

Nature is disappearing faster than ever in human history. With legally-binding targets set for 2030, this parliament must deliver rapid action to put nature into recovery. This private, cross-party roundtable will provide an introduction to UK nature policy, setting out the current state of play and the changes we need to see in the next five years. 

Confirmed speakers:

  • Rebecca Speight, CEO, RSPB 
  • Dr Mya-Rose Craig, nature and diversity activist
  • Charlotte Sudgens, environmental economist, AtkinsRealis


Time: Tuesday 22 October, 9.45am - 11.00am

Location: Room Q, PCH


Why net zero is critical to the UK economy: click here to RSVP

The transition to net zero is projected to bring market opportunities worth £1 trillion for British businesses before 2030, as well as offering an opportunity to future-proof the UK’s stagnating economy and deliver legally binding emissions reductions. There is no future economic case for the oil and gas industry where further investments will create stranded communities and assets. A just transition to net zero must include workers and trade unions and is a crucial enabler to implementing the transition in a way that restores and empowers local communities, delivers investment and progresses climate targets for the public good.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Emma Pinchbeck, Chief Executive, Energy UK
  • Kate Bell, Assistant General Secretary, Trade Union Congress


Time: Tuesday 29 October, 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Location: Room P, PCH


Becoming a brilliant climate communicator: click here to RSVP

This expert workshop delivered by Climate Outreach will cover the key elements of public opinion on a fair net zero transition, with evidence-based guidance on how MPs can tell their own climate stories to voters with passion, connection and clarity.

Time: Tuesday 12 November, 10.00am - 11.00am

Location: Room Q, PCH


Awards ceremony and reception: click here to RSVP

Join the Climate and Environment APPGs and their supporters from business and the environment sector for a celebration of the progress made on the Programme.

Time: Tuesday 17 December, 5 - 9pm

Location: Attlee Suite