New committee elected for 2024/25
Trudy Harrison MP, Olivia Blake MP, Wera Hobhouse MP and Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle elected to Environment APPG committee for 2024/25

On 12th March 2024, the Environment APPG held its Annual General Meeting. Trudy Harrison was re-elected as chair - following her election to this position at February's Extraordinary General Meeting - whilst Olivia Blake MP, Wera Hobhouse MP and Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle were elected as vice chairs. Financial expenditure statements were also approved.
Due to new rules for APPGs which come into force on 31st March 2024, the APPG has had to reduce its committee to four members. We would like to thank all previous vice chairs for their immense contributions to the APPG and we look forward to continue to working with them as they continue as parliamentary supporters of the group.