Q&A with Vice Chairs Adrian Ramsay MP & Rebecca Smith MP

Date: 5th December, 9:30am - 10:15am
Location: Zoom (link to be provided after RSVP)
We're hosting an introductory online session and Q&A for associate members, so you can get to know two of our new Vice Chairs, Adrian Ramsay MP and Rebecca Smith MP
Rebecca is the MP for South West Devon and a member of the Conservative Environment Network. Adrian is the MP for Waveney Valley and is a co-leader of the Green Party of England and Wales.
The session will give an update on priorities for climate and nature in the new Parliament, how the APPG will work towards these goals, and provide an opportunity for associate members to ask questions of the Committee.
This event is open to both parliamentary and associate members. Email appg@green-alliance.org.uk to RSVP and for further details.