Environment APPG calls for climate and nature leadership this election campaign

The next Parliament will take us nearly all the way to 2030. We need leadership to realise the benefits of fulfilling our urgent commitments to nature and climate.

The next Parliament will take us nearly all the way to 2030. By then, the UK has committed to halting the decline of domestic species, effectively protecting 30% of our land and seas, and cutting emissions by 68% from 1990 levels. There are myriad other milestones we must meet to fulfil both our own legal obligations and the commitments we have made on the global stage.

Fulfilling our urgent commitments to nature and climate can improve people’s lives now while securing our future. Insulating homes, reducing air pollution, and building cheap green energy will make the UK a better, more prosperous place to live right now. The climate and nature crises will destabilise our future if we do not act, as they are already damaging many parts of the world. Extreme wet weather has already begun to damage UK food production this year.

The Environment APPG urges all parties to bring environmental ambition to this election. We need strong leadership to deliver the bold policy necessary to fulfil our goals. Voters care deeply about these issues and want to see this leadership. Ambition should not be a point of division, but of cohesion.