Ten Point Plan for Climate and Nature
The Environment APPG published its Ten Point Plan for Climate and Nature supported by parliamentarians of all parties, Businesses, academics and NGO's.

The Ten Point Plan for Climate and Nature was launched in Parliament with a reception for associate members and speeches from Baroness Young (APPG Vice Chair), Tony Jumpier (Chair, Natural England) and Dhara Vyas (Energy UK and Green Alliance). The report saw widespread media coverage ranging from The Guardian, Politico, the Evening Standard as well as The Independent.
The plan called on the government to:
- Create a Net Zero deal
- Improve Home Efficiency
- Regulate Carbon Offsetting
- Increase funding to decarbonise agriculture and restore nature
- Cut VAT on Public Electrical Vehicle Points
- Introduce nature restoration targets in the Environment Act
- Create a statutory duty to purchase zero carbon power
- Triple the floating offshore wind target
- Restore 30% of UK saltmarshes and seagrass by 2030
- Invest in skills and non-physical capital