Parliament’s largest cross-party environmental group returns with new committee

Alistair Strathern, Rebecca Smith, Wera Hobhouse and Adrian Ramsay elected to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Environment's committee for 2024/25
MPs and peers gather in parliament

Alistair Strathern MP has been elected as Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Environment by fellow parliamentarians following a meeting on Tuesday 30th July.

Alistair, the Labour MP for Hitchin, brings a wealth of experience to his new role, having worked on climate risk for the Bank of England and campaigned to protect nature in his constituency. First elected in the Mid-Bedfordshire by-election of 2023, Alistair has recently been re-appointed as Parliamentary Private Secretary to Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves.

He is joined by a cross-party committee of Vice Chairs: Rebecca Smith, Conservative MP for South West Devon; Wera Hobhouse, Liberal Democrat MP for Bath and spokesperson for energy and climate change; and Adrian Ramsay, Green MP for Waveney Valley and co-leader of the Green Party.

Following the General Election, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Environment has reformed, with over 100 supporters from across the new parliament. The APPG is the oldest and largest cross-party group working on environmental issues, and works with businesses, charities and trade organisations, alongside politicians.

The group will aim to raise environmental ambition in Parliament and ensure the UK meets its fast-approaching targets to cut carbon emissions and stop the decline of nature by 2030.

With both biodiversity COP16 and climate COP29 this autumn, the APPG will be pushing for the UK to claim a leading position in international negotiations. The UK should consider bidding to host the next biodiversity COP17, in partnership with a country from the Global South, and ratify the Global Oceans Treaty as soon as possible.

Alistair Strathern MP said: “It is an honour to have been elected chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Environment by my fellow MPs and peers. We need to see action now on the climate and nature crises to deliver benefits to people across the country. Cheap green energy, clean air, and a thriving natural world will all contribute to a secure, liveable future. The journey to net zero will involve everyone and I look forward to working across parties to deliver this.”

Shaun Spiers, Executive Director of Green Alliance, said: “As the secretariat for the Environment APPG, Green Alliance looks forward to working with Alistair Strathern, Rebecca Smith, Wera Hobhouse and Adrian Ramsay to raise ambition throughout Parliament as we enter the crucial second half of the decade of delivery on climate and nature.”


Minutes of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Environment's inaugural meeting can be found below